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About Us

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Neighbours helping Neighbours

Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre (DBNC) was founded in 1988 on the premise that neighbours should help neighbours. For almost 35 years, DBNC has been providing free and accessible programming. We have been a leader in the development and maintenance of healthy, caring, and vibrant communities. And we plan to keep showing up to do the work!

So much of what we do is centered around our clients’ emerging and changing needs. We believe in evolving with our neighbours, and working directly with them to identify and address their concerns. Our neighbourhood is comprised of many cultures and backgrounds. We are a true mosaic of cultures! When you step through our doors, the faces that greet you will look like yours. We are proud of our experienced counsellors who speak 22 languages, combined. We have lived experience being newcomers, in a country where everything feels different.

We know what it is like. We know what you are going through.

All of our programs are free! Whether you are a newcomer, a young family, or an internationally trained job seeker, we have services tailored to fit your needs. Contact us today and we will be happy to answer any questions you have and point you in the right direction.

After all, neighbours look out for one another.

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Fostering A Positive, Healthy, and Caring Neighbourhood

Do you need immediate support? Our services will provide guidance through your trying times.

Pour des services d’établissement ou de formation linguistique en français, contactez le 905-629-1873 ou info@dixiebloor.ca.

Have questions you need answers to? Call our COVID-19 hotline at (833) 632-6819. Our Health Ambassadors are waiting to speak to you!

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