Bill Sinclair from The Neighbourhood Group in Toronto stopped by ELEVATE to talk about TNG and the wide variety of services that they offer.

Bill touched on TNG’s growth over the last 100 years and his journey from summer student to CEO of TNG. Bill gets personal and shares his own experience being a gay man during the AIDS crisis.

Bill is a social worker and the CEO of The Neighbourhood Group Community Services, a large charity in the City of Toronto. Bill’s career has focused on neighbourhood services such as York Community Services, St. Stephen’s Community House, and Central Neighbourhood House.

Bill practices a community development and human rights approach that supports the lived experience of community members and partnering widely to get the best solutions. TNG is social agency that strives to help low income people and families across the the city of Toronto. They have over 1,000 staff and 600 volunteers to help make sure that people experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges, conflict, and substance abuse get the support that they need.

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